Testimonial Example

Testimonal Default


column : 2 | 3 | 4 section
category : category slug. Navigate to WP Admin >> Testimonial >> Testimonial Categories
showpost : number of post
orderby : none | ID | title | date | modified | rand | menu_order
order : ASC | DESC


Testimonal Cycle


section : name of section
category : category slug. Navigate to WP Admin >> Testimonial >> Testimonial Categories
showpost : number of post
orderby : none | ID | title | date | modified | rand | menu_order
order : ASC | DESC



section : name of section
title : title of section
description : description text
category : category slug. Navigate to WP Admin >> Testimonial >> Testimonial Categories
showpost : number of post
orderby : none | ID | title | date | modified | rand | menu_order
order : ASC | DESC
navigation : true | false
style : default | wrap